Monday, January 17, 2011


Today was one of those mornings where I woke up wondering what on earth I was doing.I'm sure you know the ones. Where you feel like a giant fraud or fake, pretending you know how life works and what you're doing on a day-to-day basis. I always worry on mornings like that about actually having kids, someone I'm responsible and who is reliant on me ... if I don't know what the hell I'm doing, how on earth can they expect me to?

Sigh, it's worn off somewhat now. But I think it's brought on by one of those busy but not weekends. The ones where I just wish I knew how to slow time down and cram in more of everything, along with a lot more nothing. Luckily I've learnt I need the nothing times ... but sometimes I wish I didn't and was more motivated by all the crazy things I've set myself to do in life (so far). Which naturally leaves one wondering what the point of it all is.

But enough about that, back to the weekend. On Friday night I went for dinner at Kong Roast with @scottjorton. Was quite lovely. Have never been there before, but I really enjoyed my chili & raspberry martini and my Salmon Teriyaki (not quite F!sh, but still very good).

After dinner we headed off to Ball Breakers to meet up with @mkmuerte for a few games of pool. Now, to be honest, I can NOT even remember when last I played pool. Varen & I were always talking about going at some stage, but I don't think we ever did. The bulk of my pool-playing memories are from Stones in Cape Town, a long long time ago. Luckily I didn't completely suck ;) I even managed to sink 3 (of the same coloured) balls on a break once. Was *awesome*.

Saturday was filled with admin since it was my first Saturday in Joburg since 18Dec2010! Had to collect post (yes, still plenty being tossed in the bin for Varen :P) and get a new hay-bale for The Bundles. Went to a new place, Midfeeds, and must've caused some real amusement from all these serious horse-people who were loading up a billion bales into the backs of their bakkies & 4x4s when I rocked up there in my little c2, went scrambling up the hill with it and had an entire hay-bale loaded into the boot - haha. Must've been a sight. But I can't tell you how fabulous it was to have the bunny-hutch clean again :)

Later in the day, @Rubyletters popped round for a drink and a chat, which was lovely. And then I ordered in some Col'Cacchio's and settled in for a relaxing evening ... until I found out everyone was going to be at RR celebrating a friend's bday and decided to head out at 10pm ;) Was a pretty cool night considering I haven't been there in a very long time, but I didn't stay too late because I had to be up super early on Sunday morning.

I'd signed up for a Graffiti Photo Walk in the Joburg CBD, which started at 7:30am on Sunday morning. It was actually very awesome, and I do love being up early when there's no one around and it's like the world is cushioned by cloud and everything just seems cosier and safer. I'll admit I bailed on the Photo Walk after the Newtown portion - they were driving to the next location, and I decided that it was definitely time for some food and to get back into bed. And the weather was definitely encouraging me. It was lovely and rainy :)

Sunday was spent feeling like there were so many constructive things I should be doing: Heading to the Rosebank Market to buy some more photo frames, writing my entry for the Getaway Competition, sorting thru last year's photos for my #365 etc. etc. But instead I lazed the day away watching series and snoozing. Although I did eventually sort thru some photos and am all caught up to the end of 2010. I was also considering going to watch a movie, but seriously ... NO time or motivation. See, this is what I was talking about at the beginning of the post. Life somehow just snowballs and suddenly it's flying by so fast you can't get anything done because all you want to do is stop and catch your breathe for a moment. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling all too well.

Wait...WHAT? you had never been to KongRoast before? i go all the did i manage to go without you coming along at some point? So strange *shakes head* Was really awesome seeing you and catching up on Saturday:) We really should do it more often:)

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