Monday, June 11, 2012

Freezing Cold!

Well it was another quiet weekend. Not quite as much hibernation as I would've liked in this cold tho ... But we did spend the whole weekend at The Trucker's house a) because his sister and niece were visiting his mom b) because he has electric blankets and c) because he had to feed his ex-girlf's dogs (she was away for the weekend and technically they are his dogs too).

So on Friday evening I went over there for dinner. His sister was still there and had a friend round too so it was quite nice everyone sitting chatting at the table. Afterwards, he and I sat and looked thru the Vietnam holiday itinerary I'd put together. It's quite a whirlwind! But it's going to be awesome and I'm so so so excited!

On Saturday morning we were up early-ish. Since I'd started Vietnam holiday planning, I realised I'd better apply for my replacement passport ... mine only expires in 2015, but it's already full enough to make me wary to travel anywhere more than into a neighbouring country (especially not anywhere that requires a visa!). So off we headed to Home Affairs. I can't remember what time we got there exactly, but it wasn't super early ... but we did seem to miss the rush. Unfortunately The Trucker had to make two trips for me. 1) I'd left my green ID Book in the safe at home and 2) I hadn't figured on paying double because I didn't take my old passport along with me me to hand in. We were R10 short between us and they don't take credit card. Anyway, after all that, they did only end up charging me the normal price. #Sigh. But I was grateful to save the R400! So yay, now that is done and I should get my 3rd passport in the next few weeks. Exciting stuff.

By that time we were pretty much starving and headed off to get some breakfast before heading to get some hay for the bunnies and then past his office to print our Bioscope tickets (seems I was awfulyl forgetful on Friday! I blame the distraction of holiday planning ;) ). We chilled out and relaxed and napped at my house while the bunnies got to run around. They definitely prefer this cooler weather, and seem to love finding a sunbeam :) Me too!

A little later we headed off to the Zoo Lake Bowls Club to have a drink and say hi to the The Natives Put Foot Rally Team and sign their awesome car :) I am a little jealous of the guys doing the Put Foot Rally this year. I hear they've already opened registration for 2013. It's a little too advanced planning for me :(

And then it was off to The Bioscope to watch You Laugh But It's True, the Trevor Noah documentary as part of the Encounters film festival. I really enjoyed it. It's showing again on Sunday 24th at NuMetro in Hyde Park.

Being a 4pm show, it was over quite early and we headed home for some real winter comfort food: tomato soup and grilled cheese toast :) And we watched Safe House. Haha, I must say it is kinda surreal to watch a movie actually set in Cape Town ... when it's supposed to *be* Cape Town. Was pretty awesome, really :) Great fun. I recommend you watch it just for that, if nothing else. I enjoyed it :)

On Sunday we had a lazy morning at home and made ourselves breakfast. Then we headed off on a marathon shopping trip. I was in a weird mood, but The Trucker managed to get everything he set out for. I just did boring grocery shopping. I have not been in a proper shop-for-me mood in ages ... It comes down to money, I think. And lately if I do any retail therapy it all seems to be shopping for the house or garden. I think the last time I bought new clothes was the dress I wore to The Peeb's wedding. I think I may need a personal shopper ;) In fact, I wish someone could come in and trash my wardrobe and give me a whole new one and tell me what I should be wearing. Most of the time I am just going for comfort, and temperature since I get dressed in the cold and dark these days ... I just don't feel very inspired or creative at that time of day. So mostly I just wear the same old same old things. Meh.

The Trucker went to cricket in the afternoon. I was considering going along to watch since I haven't been in ages, but in this icy cold wind with nowhere to sit and be protected from it, I figured I'd be better off going home and letting the bunnies run for a bit ;) It was nice. Sitting outside with them and the birds, the sprinkler on (just because it's freezing, doesn't mean my plants don't need their bi-weekly water). Then I decided to try out my veranda fire place for the first time and make sure it wasn't just for show ;) It was awesome. But, it didn't last for very long (I wasn't trying to make a big fire and I didn't have much kindling).

In the evening I went back to The Trucker's and he made us delish Bacon Carbonara for dinner - yum!


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